With many years of experience,
we are by your side.

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Welcome to
the Borsighaus

We are your contact in all areas of dental health:
personally, professionally and with many years of experience.

A good consultation should always precede any treatment. Only those who are “in the know” can make good decisions. Due to his training as a dentist and dental technician, Dr. Rolf Grieme can give you competent answers to your questions so that you are able to make the right decisions for yourself.

Dr. Rolf Grieme

After completing his training and passing the journeyman’s examination, Dr. Rolf Grieme, who was born in Niedersachsen, first worked as a dental technician in Oldenburg.

In 1998, he began studying dentistry at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, which he successfully completed with the state examination in 2003. In 2005, he received his doctorate with the topic: “In-situ investigation of the fluoride uptake of different fluoride varnishes in demineralised and healthy tooth enamel”. Dr. Grieme then worked in various dental practices in Berlin before becoming a partner in a group practice in Berlin-Mitte in 2010.

In 2016, he took over the practice of Dr. Hübner and Dr. Drescher in Chausseestraße and has been running it as “Zahnarztpraxis im Borsighaus” since then.

Dr. Grieme attends numerous advanced training courses in all areas of dentistry, especially in the areas of prosthetics, implantology and functional diagnostics.

Dr. Lars Pischzik

Dr. Lars Pischzik studied dentistry at the Humboldt University in Berlin from 1990 to 1995.

He then completed his residency at the dental practice of H.-U. Amler in Berlin-Mitte. From 1998 to 2004, Dr. Pischzik took over the practice of the Medizinisches Zentrum GmbH Lübbenau as the leading dentist of the practice. In 2003 he obtained his A-diploma for acupuncture, and in 2004 his PhD (Dr. med. dent.).

Dr. Pischzik returned to Berlin in 2004 when he took over Jörg Gagelmann’s dental practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg. After working for four years in a group practice at Kurfürstendamm, he followed Dr. Grieme’s call and has been working with him in the dental practice in Borsighaus since 2016.

Dr. Pischzik regularly attends numerous further training courses in all areas of dentistry, holistic dentistry and acupuncture.

Our Services

Our Team

Dr. Lars Pischzik


Patrycja Seifert

Assistance | Prophylaxis
Dental Assistant

Andrea Döring

Dental Prophylaxis Assistant

Martina Hülsens

Dental Prophylaxis Assistant

Granita Halilaj

Dental Assistant

Bart Diebler

Dental Assistant

Oleksii Hryhoriev

dental assistant


Medical history form

When you first come to our practice, you can fill out the medical history form at home in advance.


When you first come to our practice, you can fill out the medical history form at home in advance.

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